2020 - ongoing
The series began while I was thinking about climate change in Greenland - also known as “ground zero” - and the economic and political impact it has on the autonomous country. Greenland has an abundance of natural resources available but has always been difficult to access due to the extreme climate. With rising temperatures in the country’s climate those resources have become easier to mine, which is in turn effects the economic and political future of Greenland. On the other hand the rising temperatures put increasing pressure on certain plant and tree species and contribute to Greenland's melting ice sheet. This affects and changes the livelihood of the Greenlandic population, particularly the Inuit people, which make up to 80 percent of the total population.
Climate change has a direct effect on the world as we already know but on a global scale it’s hard for us to fathom our individual impact. This series puts the viewer front and center. Implicating the viewer directly into the work or “landscape” being depicted. It is an attempt to reflect both literally and figuratively upon the subtle balance climate change has on our individual lives both politically and economically in order to create awareness at a global level.
The title of the series “Things comes better in threes” is in reference to a balance between the natural world, the built world and man’s implication in both.
1. pineisland_oli_2017264_lrg 2020
2. 32109555763_eb9bb215ef_k 2020
3. NASA_grand-canyon 2020
4. iss060e000604 | iss058e010623 | iss060e014846 2020